Operational matters
Review of operational plans and evaluation of projects .
Also company valuations and review of plans and suggestions for improvements. Such work can even significantly increase the value of companies.
Marketing and sales
Advice, involvement and assistance with marketing and sales matters.
Including processes, sales materials and even staff training. Also preparing sales and promotional materials.
Quality audits
Quality audits and service surveys.
We conduct quality audits and service surveys in hotels, restaurants and beyond. We do this domestically, but we have also done such projects for a number of hotels abroad. We list items both large and small to improve the guest experience.
We have owned and operated the website Veitingastadir.is since 2006. There are a number of restaurants listed there. For some, we also work on more marketing and promotional issues. We also write about restaurants and consumer issues. Including nearly 18,000 Facebook friends of Veitingastadir.is .
Our social media friends are over 24 thousand.
Our social media friends are over 24 thousand.
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Projects in the field of energy, such as assessing investment options.
Legal projects
Projects mainly in the field of commercial and competition law. Worked under the name NETÐ – Legal. We have, among other things, prepared client reports for the Competition Authority and the Consumer Agency.
Research among travelers and more
The INTERNET has done extensive research on foreign tourists and more.
The most notable of these is a study of Iceland's image abroad and policy proposals. The project included, among other things, a survey of 600 consumers in Denmark and Sweden.
-A survey of 800 tourists in Iceland regarding purchasing decisions. The largest ever conducted up to that time.
-Number of surveys among employees in the tourism industry, such as in reception areas.
-Forecasts of the number of tourists in Iceland and analyses of tourists
-Surveys for companies in other industries.